
    PowerShell Functions:

    Defining a function:

    To define a function, use the 'function' keyword followed by the function name and a script block containing the code to be executed when the function is called.

    function MyFunction {
        # Code to execute when the function is called

    Adding parameters:

    You can define parameters for your function by adding a 'param' block at the beginning of the script block. This allows you to pass arguments to the function when it's called.

    function MyFunctionWithParams {
        param (
        # Code to execute using $Param1 and $Param2

    Adding default values and parameter types:

    You can specify default values for your parameters and enforce parameter types to ensure the function receives the expected input.

    function MyFunctionWithDefaultsAndTypes {
        param (
            [string]$Param1 = "DefaultValue",
            [int]$Param2 = 42
        # Code to execute using $Param1 and $Param2

    Returning values:

    To return a value from a function, you can use the 'return' keyword, or you can simply output a value, which will be captured as the function's return value.

    function MyFunctionReturnsValue {
        param (
        $OutputValue = $InputValue * 2
        # Return the value
        return $OutputValue

    Calling a function:

    To call a function, simply use the function's name followed by the arguments in parentheses, separated by commas.

    # Call the function without parameters
    # Call the function with parameters
    MyFunctionWithParams -Param1 "Hello" -Param2 "World"
    # Call the function and capture the return value
    $result = MyFunctionReturnsValue -InputValue 10


    Functions are an essential part of PowerShell scripting, allowing you to create more organized, modular, and maintainable scripts.